Uncharted Movie Wishlist

unchartedLately, there’s been a lot of buzz about an upcoming Uncharted movie, which is apparently in the works. Personally, after playing this game, it’s one of the few games that could easily make a silver screen transition, mainly due to its completely cinematic presentation.

In response to all this rumor-mongering, MTV has posted its wishlist for an Uncharted movie, filling out the cast with talents such as Nathan Fillion, Emily Rose, Powers Boothe and then some. I think they all seem to be a pretty decent fit, but it got me thinking about what other game movies need an actor wishlist.

I would for real pee myself over a Metal Gear Solid movie with Josh Holloway from Lost or Hugh Jackman as Snake. Or maybe a Super Mario Bros movie with Dennis Hopper as Koopa. Oh wait… All joking aside, what would be your dream cast for some of your favorite video game movies?

Source- MTV

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I write about samurai girls and space marines. Writer for Smooth Few Films. Rooster Teeth Freelancer. Author of Red vs. Blue, The Ultimate Fan Guide, out NOW!

11 thoughts on “Uncharted Movie Wishlist”

  1. Hugh Jackman WOULD be an awesome Snake. Anyway, Uncharted movie might just work, although it’d basically just be a guy Tomb Raider.

  2. In Gears, Robert Downey Jr. could make an awesome sarcastic Baird. And although I can’t think of a cast, if put in the hands of Ridley Scott, Mass Effect could be amazing.

  3. Id would have liked to see Edward Norton play Jack in Bioschock but I heard rumors Wentworth Miller might be playing him. Thats the Prison Break guy if no one knows, witch brings me to my choice, Cole in InFamous… I think Miller could do a decent job. Bale as Commander Shepard? After watching the wrestler I think Mickey Rourke can do Marcus Fenix but since Len Wiseman is directing the movie and worked with Bruce Willis in Live Free or Die Hard, I think the chemistry they have could only help the Gears movie if Willis was cast. Master Chief… what Id like is for they to just use the worlds greatest stuntman and put him in the armor, make him do crazy things, and use the voice actor from the game. Keep the helmet on lol… but if I had to pick someone whos gonna be out of the armor as much as he is in it I think they should go with someone who has experience with action but isnt exactly a huge name, Sam Worthington maybe? how about Liev Schreiber?… maybe not, but honestly you should watch Defiance right now, he is B.A. in it.

    Ill stop now because I honestly could type pages, once again… I know when I hit submit Ill come up with a ton of new ideas, damn you Eddy… all Im gonna think about for days is this question.

  4. “Or maybe a Super Mario Bros movie with Dennis Hopper as Koopa. Oh wait…”

    Haha, good one =D I also fully support Hugh Jackman as Snake. And Sean Bean as LIQUIIIID!!!! =)

  5. For a Halo movie I think either Laurence Fishburne or Samuel L. Jackson should play Sgt. Johnson…though I think SLJ would make for a funnier/cruder one. Maybe Kevin Spacey as Captain Keyes? hmmmm…this is very difficult. I don’t even wanna being thinking about who plays the MC..I’d be stuck on this question forever, but I do like the idea of the stunt man w/ VO’s

    and I think Edward Norton would be fantastic in a BioShock movie

  6. [quote comment=”7330″]As long as Shia Labouf stays outta this one I’ll see it[/quote]

    What’s wrong with Shia? He’s actually talented, you know.

    For Master Chief, the hero with no personality, a cardboard cutout could play him,lol.

    For Snake, Hugh Jackman or even get Russell Crowe, perhaps.

    Nathan Fillion is my dream cast for Drake. That would rock the house.

  7. I think the ONLY person who I’d like to see playing Snake is David Hayter. I think his voice is too iconic to be done by someone else, also he doesn’t look TOO far off young Snake and a bit of make-up and CG would do the wrinkles lol! That said I’ve already PLAYED all the MGS movies. I know what happens.

  8. @ Anthony

    I was just saying that because he came out of no where w/ disturbia and the transformers movies and everyone thought he was the latest and greatest actor. I just think he’s over praised

  9. Edward Norton for Jack. That would be so awesome.

    Also, Uma Thurman as Samus Aran in my dream Metroid movie. It could work, just need a lot of CGI characters for the rest of the cast.

    Just for sh*ts and giggles, think about Shia LeBouf as Link and Megan Fox as Zelda, Megatron as Ganon, and Bumblebee as Epona.

  10. [quote comment=”7346″]@ Anthony

    I was just saying that because he came out of no where w/ disturbia and the transformers movies and everyone thought he was the latest and greatest actor. I just think he’s over praised[/quote]

    I got ya. Yeah, he gets praise, but he also gets a lot of crap too. I am shocked, but every movie he is in, I end up liking him. And he seems like a dick, so that must mean he is a good actor!

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