Even More Nazi Undead Coming to CoD: World at War

codzombieI hear that Call of Duty: World at War is a good time. I am anxiously awaiting its arrival via GameFly for me to sink my sharpened fangs into. In addition to having some great solo and co-op campaign action, it also sports a fairly wicked Nazi Zombie mode. I mean, I’ve said before that I can think of no better thing than zombies to add to any game to spice it up, and the idea of mowing down Nazi undead is terribly appealing.

I actually hear that Nazi Zombie Mode is one of the best parts of World at War, so it’s no surprise, then, that Treyarch’s first map pack for the game will have a new zombie mode map in it. Right now, the current map places you and other survivors in a house together, purchasing new rooms and boarding up windows. But apparently, a new map is coming soon that opens the gameplay up even more, and brings a “new wave of undead”, according to the developers.

Who else thinks that this rules?

Source- Call of Duty HQ

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I write about samurai girls and space marines. Writer for Smooth Few Films. Rooster Teeth Freelancer. Author of Red vs. Blue, The Ultimate Fan Guide, out NOW!

5 thoughts on “Even More Nazi Undead Coming to CoD: World at War”

  1. Nazi Zombies was the ONLY good bit about WAW. It’s the only reason I still have it. It makes me want L4D even more 🙁 What must I do Valve? WHAT!?

  2. spyro and the magical lair of the zombie

    theres a game franchise that could take on whole new levels of gameplay with a simple addition

    i predict 5 years down the track zombie modes will become the new multiplayer. a game just wont be complete without a single player campiagn, online multiplayer and some sort of zombie slaying mode

  3. [quote comment=”4462″]Nazi Zombies was the ONLY good bit about WAW. It’s the only reason I still have it. It makes me want L4D even more 🙁 What must I do Valve? WHAT!?[/quote]

    WAW is actually alot of fun. I hated on it and then i played it and at first, still didn’t like it. It grew on me and I enjoyed all aspects of the game. Zombie mode is fun, but can get old, but MP hasn’t gotten old yet. But tanks suck.

  4. Well Anthony, I suppose Pa Pa Shahs, Rifle Grenades, Second Chance, bolt-action rifles sucking, and a bunch of horrible maps just isn’t my stuff.

    But Nazi Zombies are!! I only play NZ once in a while when my friends get lucky with their SPEECH options and convince me to put Fallout 3 down and play WaW. It IS fun, just like Horde on Gears 2. But what’s nice about Horde is that there are multiple maps. So this map pack should be a nice addition. I probably won’t get it though, at least not for a while, since I only play NZ every so often, and refrain from multiplayer.

  5. This is great news, Zombies is horribly fun. Thing is I hope they work on fixing glitches on these maps. Right now there are people who glitch the game and have just rapped the leaderboards with obviously fake scores.

    Wonder what the new wave is hehe

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