GamerSushi Asks: Your Ideal Holiday Break Game

winter gaming

There are three things I really enjoy about the Holiday season: doing Christmas things with loved ones, the Granville Island Brewing Company’s Lions Winter Ale and the ability to have a few days off to just wrap myself up in a toasty blanket and play some video games.

While any type of video game is a good time, there are certain genres and titles that I feel are ideal for this sort of situation. Long, free-form open world games with a ton of collectibles tend to be my go-to; something that I can just wander around in doing what I please. Skyrim was the perfect game for this a couple of years ago, doubly so because it had the wintery atmosphere to go with it.

I also like a good first-person shooter multiplayer with a ton of unlocks and progression for when I need something a bit more action oriented. What about you guys? When the weather gets colder and you have a few days off, what are the types of games that you like to play? Go!

Dead Space, Mirror’s Edge Sales Lackluster


Looks like Gamecop was right: publishers need to start spreading the Triple A titles throughout the year instead of bombarding gamers with a barrage of bad ass games during the holiday season.

But it appears they need to do so for their own sake and not for us poor, cash-strapped gamers. According to NPD, courtesy of Gamasutra, sales for Dead Space and Mirror’s Edge are very weak, compared with those of Gears of War 2, Fallout 3 and others. These are strong games, with very positive reviews and it appears they simply got lost in the shuffle of the hectic holidays.

What say you? Did anyone buy these games? Why or why not? And don’t you think it would behoove publishers to sprinkle these games out all year long instead of hoping they can get past the big boys of winter?

Source: Gamasutra