GTTV Pre-E3 Trailers: Dishonored and Lords of Shadow 2

Man, as if next week isn’t already going to be crazy enough, it seems like developers are trying to get ahead of the game by putting out some new trailers on GameTrailers TV’s annual pre-E3 bash. Madness, I say!

In addition to LucasArts announcing Star Wars 1313, a mature third-person shooter that takes place on Coruscant, Konami and Mercury Steam have revealed the first Lords of Shadow 2 trailer. It doesn’t show any kind of gameplay, but it gives a glimpse into the direction of the next game, with Gabriel Belmont as the villain of sorts… and even hints at a new Belmont clan arrival.

But the crown jewel of last night’s trailers would have to be the Dishonored gameplay trailer. It looks like Bioshock and Half-Life 2’s bastard child, if that’s at all possible. View some sweet assassin kills and the crazy steampunk atmosphere below. Lords of Shadow 2 trailer after the jump.

Dishonored E3 2012 Gameplay Trailer

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Reveal Trailer

So… who else is hyped for E3 now? What do you think of these two trailers? Go!

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I write about samurai girls and space marines. Writer for Smooth Few Films. Rooster Teeth Freelancer. Author of Red vs. Blue, The Ultimate Fan Guide, out NOW!

3 thoughts on “GTTV Pre-E3 Trailers: Dishonored and Lords of Shadow 2”

  1. OK, I was skeptical after the teaser from a few weeks back, but I’m entirely sold on Dishonored now.

  2. Oh man, Dishonored looks like just the kind of game I’ve been waiting for recently. Very excited to see more about it.

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